O2 Academy Solves Hit And Run Problem In Lagos Through Creativity


The Nigerian digisphere went agog on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 when a creative school in Lagos, O2 Academy Lagos, shared a post unveiling a solution to the hit-and-run saga besieging Lagos State.

The ‘Hit and run’ menace accounts for 38% of motor accidents in Nigeria and the numbers are rising at an alarming rate. A higher percentage of these victims are school kids and a major reason for this is reckless motorists who have no regard for zebra crossings.

The students of O2 Academy Lagos, Nigeria’s leading school of advertising and brand communication which bagged an international award for creativity last year (The Loeries’ Awards), embarked on a social community project to solve the problem of hit and run.

These young creatives located a school on a busy street in Lagos State and painted a 3D zebra crossing in front of its main entrance; the first of its kind in Nigeria. The optical illusion of the 3D design from the drivers’ perspective is an obstacle while from the pedestrians’ perspective it is flat.

Within the first 24 hours of execution, it was observed that motorists were puzzled by the life-like design of the zebra crossing, which led them to slow down and stop their cars allowing school kids as well as adult pedestrians to cross the street with ease of mind.

This innovation which got the attention of the Federal Road Safety Corps on Instagram was one of the works from the winning team at the school’s graduation event; The Pitch April 2019 edition on Saturday, April 13, 2019.

O2 Academy Lagos creatively provided a solution to the hit-and-run menace in Lagos State going beyond advertising to ACTvertising; influencing human behaviour positively by controlling the drivers since they cannot control the kids.

Such ingenious innovation as confirmed by Nigerians who came across the post, deserves to be replicated across all relevant touch points to help create a safer environment for our kids especially in Lagos State.

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