The Post COVID-19 World- 8 Things To Watch Out For In The World That Is Likely To Emerge


By Bolaji Okusaga

This is for those who loathe 5G for vague and preposterous reasons – a new world is coming, and this is no heresy! Covid-19 is about to hasten the possibility canvassed on the platform of the ,4th Industrial Revolution even as a more tech-centric world is about to be born. So, fasten your seatbelts and stop playing the anti-heresy Trooper. For even in the days of Galileo Galilei, heresy shooters persecuted Galileo for saying the world was spherical rather than the popularly held convention that the world was flat. But, come to think of it, how will modern day navigation have worked if Galileo did not move against the grain of the popular belief of his time?

In the same vein, the one thing that will define the world well into the next decade is being attacked. Some say it is the work of the anti-Christ, yet despite the vagueness of the claim, they carry-on. Some others complain about radiation emission from 5G transmitters, yet we all go out in the sun, and are bathed in electromagnetic radiation that is far greater than these 5G cell towers and we are not dead yet.

Despite all the resistance, the phenomenon they loathe is certain to be the solution they cannot but embrace.

Welcome To A World Woven Around Digital Possibilities And Less On Physical Contact
So here is the deal. the post Covid-19 world will be one that is:

  1. More insular rather than communal. It is one where people will commune and communicate more and relate with each other more in a virtual world rather than physical space.
  2. Here is the sad thing for the transportation, travel and tourism industry, it is a world that will be about less travel and more about tele-conferencing, telemedicine and tele-education.
  3. Data will become more like oxygen as a deficit of data may mean the end of businesses. Competitive advantage will shift from static intellectual assets to dynamic assets dependent on technology for augmentation.
  4. It will be a smarter world defined by Internet of Things (IoT), where devices will relate more with each other and there will be extreme convergence.
  5. Blockchain and Machine-learning will be mainstream and no longer buzzwords on the lips of geeks.
  6. More professions as we know it today will be increasingly threatened by the convergence of practice and technology and only those who are early adopters and quick-learners will survive while laggards will become relics of history just as the stenographer gave way to the typist.
  7. Low skill workers like Drivers and Factory Workers are certainly endangered as the world moves more towards automation and robotics with the autonomous car and the robot driven factory becoming mainstream.
  8. The gap between rich nations and poor nations that are not adaptable will become wider as Digital Technology begins to drive Agricultural outputs and crop yield as well as drive production and business efficiency, even as non-tangible assets such as knowledge and Information will more than ever, begin to mark winners from losers.

Bolaji Okusaga is the Managing Consultant at Precise

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