Native Video Ads Beat Social On Brand Favorability, Study Reveals


Native video ads in the open web produced a stronger impact on brand favorability and consideration than social or video platforms in a new study.

Results of the Kantar-conducted research, described as an independent multichannel brand impact study, were released by Taboola, whose native ad platform was used in the tests, along with unidentified social and video platforms.

In the study,59% of participants who received a native video ad exposure expressed brand favorability, compared to 51% for video platform and 50% for social platform exposures, according to the companies. Brand consideration and brand image results were also slightly higher for the native ads. 

In addition, brand awareness improved 26% when native video ads in the open web were added to the marketing mix.

When participants were shown native video ads, 33% displayed top-of-mind awareness, compared to 14% of the control group. When native video ads were combined with social platform video ads, top-of-mind awareness rose to 49%. 

In online ad awareness, native video used alone beat social at 50% versus 42%, but social beat both of those, at 59%. (The control pulled 39%.)

The best online ad awareness was achieved with a mix of native and social (71%) and a mix of native and video platform (64%).

For the study, Kantar tested the impact of exposure to an online video ad across multiple digital media channels: a native advertising platform, a social platform and a video streaming platform. Several matched groups of adults were exposed to the same video ad, each group in a specific digital placement and platform.

Two groups were exposed to the video ad across platforms, one group received a combination of exposures of native and social, and another was exposed to both native and video platforms to measure the impact of combined exposures. A matched control group was not exposed to the video ad and served as a baseline. Kantar compared the differences in awareness and predisposition in each exposed group and the control group to determine the impact of the video ad exposure in each digital placement and platform.

Credit; Media Post

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