Twitter Announces Plan To Deactivate Inactive Accounts


Twitter CEO, Elon Musk has announced that accounts that have been inactive for years will be deactivated.

He made this announcement in a tweet on Monday.

According to Twitter’s policy, users should log in to their accounts at least once every 30 days to avoid permanent removal due to prolonged inactivity.

He tweeted, “We’re purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years, so you will probably see a follower count drop.”

According to him, to avoid the loss of inactive accounts’ ‘historic’ tweets, inactive accounts will be archived for a while before being deactivated.

However, users have pleaded that Musk reconsiders his plan before going ahead with it.

In another tweet, Musk wrote that he appreciates people who are supporting content creators on Twitter. He also said that the creators are not charged anything on their earnings for the first 12 months. However, post that, a commission of 10 percent is charged by the platform.

“Your support of content creators on this platform is very much appreciated. We keep none of the subscription revenue for the first 12 months & only 10% thereafter,” the tweet by Musk reads.

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